Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is another integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has long been used to successfully treat a variety of ailments.  The earliest record of the use of Chinese herbal medicine dates back to around 206 BC.  Chinese herbs are derived from organic substances found in plants, barks, roots, flowers, and even minerals and animal products. Since the inception of Chinese herbal medicine, the beneficial healing effects, side effects, and contraindications have been well documented. It is quite rare that an herbal formula will illicit negative or harmful side effects, especially when prescribed by a well-trained Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. Chinese herbal medicine helps to nourish and strengthen the body’s defenses while simultaneously supporting the energetic transformations that occur during acupuncture treatments.

For centuries and across large populations, herbal formulas have been prescribed to adults, children, the elderly, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers. When herbs are prescribed in conjunction with acupuncture, they complement each other quite nicely and produce very effective treatment protocols.

Herbal medicine and acupuncture are both rooted in the fundamental belief that there is an intrinsic connection between human beings, nature, and the cosmos.

  • Herbs tend to be highly specific in their actions.
  • They possess unique qualities and properties, much like human beings, and target different aspects of an individual’s disharmony.
  • Herbs have four major properties and functions:
    Cold / Cooling herbs – clear heat, dispel fire, detoxify the body, and promote Yin energy
    Warm / Heating herbs – warm the interior, dispel cold, and promote Yang energy

Mixing two or more individual herbs is similar to adding hot or cold water. It cannot be
too hot or too cold, unless the TCM practitioner is attempting to achieve this effect.

  • Herbs have five flavors that coincide with the five elements:
    Sour (wood) – arrests, discharges, and acts as an astringent
    Bitter (fire) – expels heat, reduces dampness, strengthens the Yin, and disperses fire
    Sweet (earth) – strengthens the body, balances the Yin and Yang, and relieves pain
    Pungent (metal) – disperses internal heat, and boosts circulation of Qi and blood
    Salty (water) – softens hardness, moistens, and has a purgative effect

Seldom does an herbal formula belong to solely one flavor. Generally, it may possess
a few flavors, but in varying degrees. Therefore, a formula oftentimes contains more
than one property, function and flavor.

At our clinic, we customize formulas for the individual using only the highest quality herbs which are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified and that contain no preservatives, sweeteners, and toxic heavy metal. Our expertise in TCM diagnosis allows us to ascertain the root cause; therefore we are able to treat your symptoms as well as the primary cause of your ailment.